Salam hangat,

Aplikasi Alkitab yang hilang kini sudah bisa diunduh kembali di Play store! Aplikasi kami secara resmi telah dipublikasikan melalui SABDA dengan nama “SABDA Alkitab (Yuku Android)”. Silakan mengunduh aplikasi ini kembali, sebab aplikasi yang lama sudah tidak bisa menerima update yang baru dari kami.

Lalu bagaimana dengan data yang masih tersimpan di aplikasi yang lama?
Tenang, kami sudah memperkirakan itu dan membuat solusinya. Ketika anda pertama kali membuka aplikasi SABDA Alkitab (dan apabila anda sudah meng-install aplikasi yang lama), anda diberi pilihan apakah mau men-transfer data marka anda ke aplikasi yang baru. Program Alkitab yang lama (apabila anda tidak tahu) secara otomatis telah membuat cadangan marka. Jadi anda bisa memilih versi cadangan mana yang ingin anda transfer ke aplikasi yang baru.

Meskipun kami mendapat ujian/kesulitan, Tuhan memberi kami kekuatan melalui dukungan dari kalian semua. Terima kasih atas segala dukungannya, baik secara moral, doa, lisan/tulisan, ketika aplikasi Alkitab Yuku hilang dari Play store. Terima kasih untuk SABDA yang telah bersedia mempublish aplikasi ini kembali. Selain itu, kami menerima banyak support dari berbagai pihak yang tidak dapat kami sebutkan satu persatu. Semoga aplikasi ini dapat terus menjadi berkat bagi para penggunanya, kapanpun dan di manapun. Kiranya kemuliaan bagi nama Tuhan saja. Amin.

Kidung online

Karena sampai saat ini aplikasi Alkitab di Play Store masih dibanned, kami setim mengerjakan sesuatu yang lain. Akhirnya, kami mengupdate website kami, dan telah menambahkan menu kidung di dalamnya. Silakan lihat-lihat di www.bibleforandroid.com/songs

Semua buku kidung yang ada di aplikasi Alkitab sudah tersedia di versi web. Bila anda klik salah satu buku kidung, maka akan muncul halaman di mana anda dapat memilih lagu dari daftar lagu yang tersedia, seperti gambar layar tembak di bawah ini.

Pilih salah satu lagu, maka lagu tersebut akan ditampilkan. Anda dapat dengan mudah berpindah lagu dengan menggunakan dropdown menu navigasi di samping kiri. Kami juga mengajak anda untuk dapat berbagian melengkapi buku lagu dengan mengirimkan link youtube yang relevan, supaya pengguna juga lebih mudah dalam mempelajari lagu tersebut. Juga tersedia fasilitas search yang bisa anda gunakan untuk mencari isi teks/judul/nama pengarang.

Menghilang dari Play Store? / Disappear from Play Store?

Kepada para pengguna dan calon pengguna aplikasi Alkitab,

Seperti yang beberapa dari kita telah ketahui, bahwa aplikasi Alkitab, dan akun YUKU (akun pengembang dari aplikasi ini) dihapuskan dari Play Store. Dengan kata lain, aplikasi ini telah hilang. Kami pun turut berduka cita atas hal ini :(. Kami sedang mencoba menghubungi pihak Google untuk mengajukan banding, sebab kami percaya aplikasi ini baik-baik saja, tidak melanggar ketentuan dan syarat apapun yang diajukan oleh Google. Sementara itu, anda masih bisa mendapatkan aplikasi ini secara langsung dengan mengunduh apk yang tersedia. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya, mohon dukungan doanya dan nantikan pengumuman lebih lanjut mengenai hal ini.

tim aplikasi Alkitab


To all users of Quick Bible app,

As some of you may have noticed, the Quick Bible app, as well as YUKU account (the publisher of the app) was removed from Play Store. In other words, it is gone. We are sad for this too :(. We are trying to contact Google to appeal, as we believe the app itself does fine, as in it doesn’t violate any terms and conditions that Google set. Meanwhile, you can still get the app directly by downloading the apk here. Thank you for your kind attention, please help us in prayer and stay tuned for any further notice regarding this.

Best Regards,
Quick Bible team

Cara Memindahkan Pembatas Buku, Catatan, dan Sorotan ke Perangkat Lain

Terima kasih sudah menggunakan aplikasi Alkitab. Entri kali ini kami akan menjelaskan cara untuk memindahkan Pembatas buku, Catatan, dan Sorotan ke perangkat lain.

Untuk memindahkan (back up) pembatas buku/catatan/sorotan ke perangkat lain, silakan ikuti langkah berikut:
1. Buka halaman marka.
2. Tekan overflow menu di bagian kanan atas, pilih “pindahkan”, pilih “Ya”.
3. Kirimkan data tersebut ke diri anda sendiri melalui program email/drive/dropbox, dst. Contoh paling sederhana adalah melalui email.
4. Anda telah mempunyai backup data pembatas buku.

Untuk mengembalikan (restore) di aplikasi Alkitab di handphone lain caranya:
1. Bukalah attachment yang anda kirim di email anda (Anda harus membuka email dari handphone yang lain itu)
2. Pilihlah untuk membuka attachment tersebut (biasanya .xml file) dengan aplikasi Alkitab.

Semoga informasi ini dapat bermanfaat. Apabila anda masih memiliki kesulitan, silakan menghubungi kami.

How to Transfer/Export Your Bookmarks, Notes and Highlights to New Device

This post will show you how to back up and restore your Quick Bible data (Bookmarks, Notes and Highlights) from one device to another. To back up, please follow these steps:

  1. Open Markers page.
  2. Press overflow menu on the top right corner, choose “Transfer”, choose “Yes”.
  3. Send the data to yourself using other applications (email/drive/dropbox, etc). The simplest way is using your email.
  4. You have already had backup data for your bookmarks and highlights.
Back Up Data — Click to Enlarge

To restore your markers data in different device:

  1. Open your stored data that you have sent in your email(you have to open your email through your new device). 
  2. Open your attachment (usually .xml file).
  3. Choose to complete action using Quick Bible app.
Restore Data — Click to Enlarge

Note: Transfer will allow you to back up and restore your Quick Bible data directly from your new device. On the other hand, Export will allow you to read and edit from desktop’s text editor (e.g. Microsoft Word, Notepad or Pages)

Hope this information will help. Should you have any problems, please contact us.

About YES file

Since version 2.0 published more than 2 years ago, Bible for Android apps have been using a file format for storing Bible translations. It is commonly called YES files, since the files are saved with a “.yes” file name extension. When you choose a Bible version from the version list screen, a YES file is downloaded to your device. With that, you can have more than one version/translation of Bible on your device.

The YES file contains the version information (name of the version, short name, description, language); the Bible text itself (keyed by book, chapter, and verse numbers); and optionally: pericope headings, footnotes, and cross references.

YES files consist of binary data that is not intended to be read by human, but it is optimized to be read by computer programs. Some of the content can also be compressed to make the YES file smaller. A YES file for one complete Bible translation is approximately 2 MB in size.

If you try to open a YES file from the email client on your Android device or from the file manager, you can choose to import it to Bible for Android app. You can also share a version by long-pressing on an item from the version list screen and selecting Share.

Tools to create the YES file

First option is to convert it from an PalmBible+ file, which are also known as a PDB file. You can open a PDB file from the version list screen.

Second option is to create a plain text file called a YET file. It serves as a human-readable alternative to YES file. The data contained in a YET file is the same as the one contained in a YES file. Please refer to the Developer’s Guide for creating your own Bible module files.

We also plan to support The Word modules, hopefully this can be done in coming months!


Thanks be to God! Alkitab has been downloaded by more than 1 million users!

Currently this is the most popular Bible app in Indonesia (the author’s home country). There are more and more new Android users in Indonesia, when combined with relatively religious nature of Indonesian people, we feel blessed to be able to participate in bringing a good Bible-reading app for Indonesian people.

In the future, we plan to do the following, with God’s grace:

  • to keep the app simple and straight-forward for regular-reading of the Bible
  • to introduce more Bible study tools, so users could dig deeper to understand the Bible
  • to create an open-source platform for publishing Bible translations

Currently our app is on Android only, but hopefully there comes a time where we or other contributors can create the app on other platforms as well.

We also want to thank contributors in sending suggestions, corrections, and bug reports, helping in processing the text, giving technical advices, doing UI translations, and generously making donations!

Bible Daily Verse App Widget

When a Christian read a quote from the Bible in a book or on TV or even at a tombstone, usually the object will immediately catch his attention. It is not only because he read it before, but I believe the Word of God reminds him about his conviction deep inside his heart. That’s why many Christians put a plaque or picture with a quote from the Bible in their houses. That’s why many Christians want to have a quote from the Bible in their mobile phone to remind them about their faith. The new Android bible app widget does just that.

The app widget brings to your home screen a new quote from the Bible everyday. At the midnight it is scheduled to display a new quote. The quotes itself has already been selected by the developers not randomly selected from the Bible, to ensure that the verse displayed in the widget is not cut in the middle of the sentence.

When you bring the app widget for the first time, a configuration screen will be displayed where you can customize the app widget.

In this screen you may configure the version of the Bible. It depends on the active versions you have in the application. You can also adjust the text size in the widget from the seek bar. Lastly, if you already have a pretty wallpaper and do not want the app widget background to block your wallpaper, you may want to turn on transparent background option and select dark text if your wallpaper is dominantly white or uncheck the dark text option if your wallpaper is dark.
After you’re done with the configuration, an app widget will be displayed in your home screen.

With a transparent background it will look like this:

In this app widget, you can navigate to the next or previous verses (in case you already remember that verse or you are curious about the next verse). And the most important thing is you can click the verse and it will open the Bible for you at the verse you see in the widget.

We hope that this feature will help you to remember about the Word of God and bring joy to your busy day.

Troubleshooting: If you do not see this Bible app widget on the widget list, make sure you install this Bible app on your phone or tablet’s internal memory, not on removable SD Card. Android does not support showing widgets from apps in removable SD Card. Go to system settings > Apps > select Alkitab or Quick Bible, and then click “Move to phone” to move it.

Bible Version Update

Thanks to Alkitab (Quick Bible) users who gave their comments on bible versions that were provided to be downloaded. We recently updated and replaced some versions to new ones. These versions are King James Version, Chinese Union Version and Reina Valera (Spanish).

King James Version

For King James Version, there is an error in the previous version:

Lamentations 1:1  How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people how is she become as a widow she that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces, how is she become tributary

In the new version it is written:

Lamentations 1:1  How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people! how is she become as a widow! she that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces, how is she become tributary!

The new version has extra exclamation marks in the verse and it is easier to understand.

Another feature in the new version: it includes song titles in the book of Psalm.

However there is a minus in the new version: in the previous version, the word of Jesus could be displayed in different color. In the new version, it does not mark the word of Jesus so we cannot display them in different color. You can download the previous version from the Versions screen, it’s listed as King James (Red Letter).

Chinese Union Version

In the previous Chinese Union Version (Simplified), the are some known errors, for example:

Deuteronomy 15:7:


2 Timothy 3:2


In these verses we can see question marks that should not be there. Probably the source text uses non-standard characters, but we’re not sure.

In the new version Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Simplified)

Deuteronomy 15:7:


2 Timothy 3:2:


CUVMPS version has no error in these verses. However the chinese translation is not exactly same as the CUVS, which may cause confusion for those who already familiar with CUVS.

Reina Valera

The difference between the new Reina Valera 1909 with the previous one, in the previous version:

Genesis 17:23:

Entonces tomó Abraham á Ismael su hijo, y á todos los siervos nacidos en su casa, y á todos los comprados por su dinero, á todo varón entre los domésticos de la casa de Abraham, y circuncidó la carne del prepucio de ellos en aquel mismo día, como Dios le

The new Reina Valera 1909:

Genesis 17:23:

Entonces tomó Abraham á Ismael su hijo, y á todos los siervos nacidos en su casa, y á todos los comprados por su dinero, á todo varón entre los domésticos de la casa de Abraham, y circuncidó la carne del prepucio de ellos en aquel mismo día, como Dios le había dicho.

As we see, the previous version missed “habia dicho.” in the verse.

We hope with these revisions, the Bible preserves its originality and helps people when they read it.
At the end, we would like say thank you to ifbweb for the KJV, ccel.org for the Reina Valera, and also to Biblegateway.com for the CUVMPS.

Progress (Jejak): mark your Bible reading progress!

A new feature has been added, progress. A progress allows you to put a mark at the last verse you read.

So what is the difference between a progress and a bookmark? You are not allowed to move a bookmark, so when you put a bookmark in a verse, you can only edit or delete it. But with a progress, you can move it wherever you want. So a progress has the same function as a bookmark in your real life when you read a book, while a bookmark is like a sticky note. So if you have a reading plan or if you read the Bible sequentially, you can use this progress to mark the verse that you read.

Some people read the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter. They want to read the whole Bible, but the problem is, they sometime forget the verse or chapter they read last time, especially when they read Psalm, where all chapters look the same. If you read a book, you can insert a bookmark. But when you read the Bible in your mobile, how do you put a note at the last verse that you read? In the “Alkitab” application, you can add a bookmark, but you need to delete it and add it again after you finish your Bible reading.

If you have a reading plan, let’s say you start from Genesis and you now want to use a progress, how do you use it?
The bible has 5 built in progresses you can use. They have 5 different colors and 5 default names (I will show you how to edit the name later). To start use it, you have to select single verse and select the progress.

After you select your progress, you can see that the verse now has a small icon (it looks like Google Map location icon).

As I mentioned earlier, you can save up to 5 progresses. You can see all the progresses from the menu and click “View progress”.

In this menu, you can see all your progresses and also the time when you use it. If you forget the last verse that you read, this is the best place you can find it. Clicking on the progress will quickly jump to the verse. Long click the progress will allow you to rename the progress or delete the progress. If you have two reading plans, one Old Testament and one New Testament, you can rename the progress by tap the progress and hold it for a second. It will prompt you option to rename or delete. If you select rename,

You can delete a progress, but you can only delete the referenced verse, not the progress itself. So deleting the progress is only revert it to an empty progress with its default name.

You can add multiple progresses at one verse, and you can add another bookmark and notes if you want. All of them will be displayed next to the verse.

You can tap the icon to show you the progress name, the verse address and the time you move it to this location.

Next day, when you continue your reading plan and finished Genesis chapter 1, you will need to select the last verse that you read and select the same progress, and it will be moved to the selected verse.
So now you have no excuse not to read the whole Bible. But what if you say you forget what books you have read all this time? Well, for now this feature does not provide you the history, so use a piece of paper and write them there.