Menghilang dari Play Store? / Disappear from Play Store?

Kepada para pengguna dan calon pengguna aplikasi Alkitab,

Seperti yang beberapa dari kita telah ketahui, bahwa aplikasi Alkitab, dan akun YUKU (akun pengembang dari aplikasi ini) dihapuskan dari Play Store. Dengan kata lain, aplikasi ini telah hilang. Kami pun turut berduka cita atas hal ini :(. Kami sedang mencoba menghubungi pihak Google untuk mengajukan banding, sebab kami percaya aplikasi ini baik-baik saja, tidak melanggar ketentuan dan syarat apapun yang diajukan oleh Google. Sementara itu, anda masih bisa mendapatkan aplikasi ini secara langsung dengan mengunduh apk yang tersedia. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya, mohon dukungan doanya dan nantikan pengumuman lebih lanjut mengenai hal ini.

tim aplikasi Alkitab


To all users of Quick Bible app,

As some of you may have noticed, the Quick Bible app, as well as YUKU account (the publisher of the app) was removed from Play Store. In other words, it is gone. We are sad for this too :(. We are trying to contact Google to appeal, as we believe the app itself does fine, as in it doesn’t violate any terms and conditions that Google set. Meanwhile, you can still get the app directly by downloading the apk here. Thank you for your kind attention, please help us in prayer and stay tuned for any further notice regarding this.

Best Regards,
Quick Bible team

7 thoughts on “Menghilang dari Play Store? / Disappear from Play Store?

  1. What happened? I can't imagine this was violating any Google standards? Was it copyright infringement or something? In any case, please advice if we can help appealing or something, because this is the quickest and most flexible bible app I've ever used.

  2. I remember that the app flag as unsafe by Google verification (Google Play Services app), and after a few days, its gone. I hope Google respond to continue update and support this app especially with the new Google L.

  3. This is the excerpt from what Google emailed to us:

    REASON FOR TERMINATION: Prior violations of the Content Policy and Developer Distribution Agreement by this or associated accounts as outlined in previous emails sent to the registered email address(es) of the Publisher account(s).

    So it could be due to copyright issue of the content, but there are many
    possibilities that caused it. It could also due to our prior apps that was
    banned by Google before.
    Anyway, thank you very much for all your support. We are still working on to get the app back to the store.

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