Now you can assign colors to your bookmark labels. It’s now even easier to organize your bookmarks!
Change the colors by long-pressing on a label on the bookmarks screen.
When you see the list of bookmarks, the labels will be colored, too!
There was long-standing issue on sharing of verses. Normally, sharing text works on any sharing destinations that declare themselves to receive data of text/plain type. However, for some unknown reason, Facebook declines sharing of plain text. Facebook only receives plain text that forms a URL. Unfortunately, there is no way for an Android app to know which sharing destination the user selects if (using Intent.createChooser()). This has prevented us to share to Facebook correctly.
The only way feasible for now is to create our own sharing screen. Starting from this release, Bible for Android will use its own sharing screen, which IMHO better than the default sharing screen. It loads the list and the app icons in the background, so it doesn’t lag like the default sharing screen 😀
Moreover, and most importantly, we know when the user selects Facebook as the destination. We can treat it specially and give a URL instead of verse text.
We also added an option to use volume buttons to navigate between chapters. This was suggested by +Rony Gabriel, thanks! An excellent suggestion.
Last but not least, now there is two different Bible versions available as optional download: Romanian (Corneliscu’s translation) and Japanese (口語訳 – colloquial translation). +Liviu Foltut helped in providing the Romanian Bible translation and also translating the app into Romanian.
As you can see, the Japanese version has identation (for quotations and poems) and paragraph break. This is processed from the perfect XML files provided by
thanks for great app,may i suggest maybe you can make auto scroll with adjustable speed,just like kjv bible,JBU
this app is very good. wondering if you could expand this app just like mysword app. 🙂
gr8 app! neat & nice. Thanks. Where's the history button?
Long-press the verse address button, between the left-arrow and right-arrow buttons. =)
found it! Simply long-press the top grey verse address bar, for your bible reading history.
Thanks Yuku, God Bless you. Reader, kindly support this project, where you can with finances & feedback. Thanks.
Yes. Browsing the history is very useful when listening sermon, or studying Bible.
It's a great and elegant Bible application! Thanks for your great effort. May the Lord bless you abundantly!
bisa tolong ditambahkan alkitab basa jawa juga?
berguna buat pelayanan di gereja-gereja jawa yg sering menggunakan alkitab bahasa jawa ^.^
terima kasih, JBU
Untuk bahasa Jawa dan bahasa daerah lainnya, bisa ambil file2 pdb dari sini:
kemudian buka PDB dengan menu Versi.
Lalu, bagaimana cara men-download versi bahasa Jepangnya, Pak Yuku?
Apakah bisa di-download melalui komputer PC (installer .apk-nya), lalu saya pindahkan ke smarphone Android saya, kemudian saya install?
Terima kasih sebelumnya, Gbu!
Salam kenal, Pak Yuku. Saya menggunakan aplikasi ini di nexus 7 wifi. Versi yg saya instal adalah 2.8.7. Sebelumnya program ini berjalan baik, termasuk dalam mengunduh santapan harian. Namun beberapa hari terakhir ini, terdapat problem dalam mengunduh santapan harian. Santapan harian hanya bisa diunduh pada hari2 tertentu. Sebagai contoh, hari ini tgl 31 Januari 2012 (ataupun tgl 1-3 Februari) saya coba mengunduh bahan santapan harian, namun gagal. Ada tulisan: Belum tersedia, mungkin bahan untuk tanggal yang diminta belum siap, atau ada masalah dengan sumbernya. Harap coba lagi lain kali. Namun untuk tgl 4 dan 5 Februari 2013 bisa diunduh. Mohon solusinya, Pak. Karena saya senantiasa memakai bahan renungan tsb untuk saat teduh bersama keluarga. Terima kasih.
Maaf, ada kesalahan ketik pada posting di atas. Maksud saya 31 Januari 2013..
Terima kasih atas infonya. Sudah saya perbaiki.
Terima kasih, Pak Yuku. GBU. Pengunduhan bahan santapan harian telah berfungsi dengan baik kembali.
Please add the Russian Bible and for a Russian user this grear application will have no rivals!
Hai, Pak Yuku. Great work. Mau nanya, apakah aplikasinya punya intent filter untuk nanganin permintaan semacam "buka Ibrani 1 ayat 1 sampai 5" ? Atau mungkin apakah ada convention dari aplikasi-aplikasi alkitab untuk intent khusus semacam begitu?
Terima kasih sebelumnya.
Halo marchell,
Ada. Silakan hubungi saya lewat imel untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut 🙂
☺ idea !!! ☺
Why not make the search phrases void of quotation marks: " " simply like go bible.
If it's neccessary to have them, then just input the search phrase (minus " " quotation marks)and the app search facility will assume quotation marks by default/automatically. Unless you specify otherwise.
♥ this app, thanks Yohanes & Team. You guys are just excellent.
I wish there was someway this app could be enjoyed on Ipad & Iphone devices, they run apple OS not on android.
Wouldn't gladly buy it for $ 100+ plus if I genuinely found Quick Bible for Apple devices working as nicely or much better than on the Android OS.
I know, i know. . . Quick Bible is worth much more, much much more than that. Though we'd appreciate someone who could help:
halo yuku..saya baru baca ayat di ayub
Ayub 28:9 Manusia melekatkan tangannya pada batu yang keras, ia membongkar-bangkir gunung-gunung sampai pada akar-akarnya;
nah kata2nya ada tulis"ia membongkar-bangkir" maksudnya aoa y?
trus waktu sy klik "bantuan" dan klik ok.aplikasinya lgsg pakai samsung s3.Gb n aplikasi ini sangat membantu.
When I share a Bible verse, it's sharing in ESV, please have it share in KJV, as that is the version I'm using and it should share in the currently used version. Thanks
Halo pak Yuku, apakah ada rencana utk mnambahkan audionya, jd kita bs dngerin saat sedang berkendara. Sy liat di bible app you version ada fitur tsb tp blm ada yg bhs indo. GBU
Love this app, I have used it for a long time. Please enable the ability to share the translation and language currently being read instead of the ESV. Thanks again, this is the best Bible app in my opinion. Blessings!
Apakah ada versi deutronika-nya, biar kmi yg katholik bisa jg menggunakannya. Trm ksh
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