Regarding Beta Versions

What is BETA version? 

“A version of a piece of software that is made available for testing, typically by a limited number of users outside the company that is developing it, before its general release.” We need you to test it first and report bugs as many as possible before we publish the update widely on Google Play.

How to download the BETA versions?

  1. Join the bibleforandroid Google Group
  2. Go to Quick Bible Testing to enable testing beta versions. Click the “Become a Tester” button.
  3. Open Quick Bible on Play Store and you will get the update for Beta versions.

Bagaimana cara mengunduh versi beta?

  1. Gabung dengan Google Group bibleforandroid
  2. Kunjungi Alkitab Testing untuk mengaktifkan pengujian versi beta
  3. Buka Alkitab di Play Store